Thursday, October 9, 2008

Halloween fun

The top picture is a part of my doll collection. These are little Kelly dolls (Barbie's little sister). They only get to come out once a year for Halloween and I enjoy decorating with them. The other pictures are my cute living dolls (he,he,he) in their Halloween outfits. I finally captured an Abby smile in picture!


Kaija said...

Your halloween dolls are precious and your girls look SO CUTE in their halloween outfits! When are you back to work?

Kaija said...

Tag, you're it! Check out my blog for details... I look forward to hearing 7 random facts about you!

Lyndsey said...

LOVE your Halloween dolls - both living and not! So cute that you bring them out and dress them up, awesome

It's just Barb said...

And they are as cute as dolls!

It was great seeing you in Utah. Hope to see you again soon.

And thanks for sharing that darling baby with me. I think I need to be a professional baby rocker or something fun like that!

Eliza said...

How fun