Friday, September 5, 2008

Say cheese

So the moon stories continue. The other night we were in the car driving home and Elizabeth had her play phone that makes a picture clicking noise. First she was saying "say cheese Mommy" and taking pictures of me and then of Abby. Then she was pointing the phone at the window and I asked her who she was taking pictures of and she said "the moon, 'cause he's smiling at me". She took pictures of the moon for a few minutes then everything else outside got pictures also like trees and buildings, my favorite was the wind. She took a picture and then said that the wind "whooshed" for her picture, saying "the wind whooshed at me".


Kaija said...

love these stories! tell chris that i've been able to get a bunch of boxes from the grocery store, so i'd still love it if he could bring us some boxes, but we probably don't need more than 5 or 10 medium sized boxes. if he has any file boxes at is work -- some of those would be great, too! THANKS

Lyndsey said...

Aren't kids the greatest? I love the moon story, she is so cute! Keep em coming!!

It's just Barb said...

Jenny I might be changing my blog and I wanted to contact you but I must use a different email program and I can't see your email address. Would you email it or leave me a comment with it please?

MaryAnn said...

Too cute. You'll be glad you're writing these things down now - 'cause in ten years when you're trying to remember who said that funny thing, you can come back and see! (yeah, speaking from experience here, lol!)